Monday 14 January 2013


I went to a lovely place called zinc last night and had some amazing food. I love mussels and it was just delicious.

Friday 4 January 2013

Try wearing red this month

Red is my favourite colour of all time and I do find myself drawn to red. I do own quite a lot of red clothing but I never wear them. So this month I am going to make an effort to wear the colour red. Here are some ideas:

Cropped jeans
Contrast toe cap pumps
Image 4 of ASOS Skater Dress With Daisy Cutwork And Belt

Pinned Image

Thursday 3 January 2013

Thoughts for Thursday

After getting out of bed feeling particularly lazy. I decided that I wanted to do something fun, something old and some organising.

I love art and in general drawing/painting/decorating/wrapping presents/photography. I will start doing all of that again. Thats my something old. Which is where the birth of this blog started. A place to share my little bit of something old.

My some organising for today is to get my notes in order and to study!
My something fun for today was going to my favourite bakery and getting my favourite things. This should help motivate me to study.